
Three-thousand foot sheer red rock cliffs drop almost directly to the Colorado River at Toroweap Overlook. This is a remote part of the Grand Canyon's North Rim and is difficult to reach, but for those visitors willing to travel long dirt roads, the rewards are many. See Getting There for directions.


At Toroweap, the dramatic landscape includes nearby Vulcans Throne, an old volcanic cinder cone, which is back-dropped by the equally volcanic Uinkaret Mountains. About 500,000 years ago, these volcanoes spewed red-hot lava into the Colorado River, filling the inner gorge with steam and ultimately creating a series of lava dams 1,200 feet high and sixty miles long. These dams, which created lakes that flooded much of the Grand Canyon, have been eroded away almost without a trace by the river.

Lava Falls

Lava Falls Rapid, on the river about a mile downstream of Toroweap Overlook, is a visible and audible remnant of the catastrophic events of the geologic past. One of the hardest rapids on the river to run, the river drops thirty seven feet over and among ominous black rocks the size of small houses. The notorious rapids is not itself the remains of a lava dam, but instead formed where boulders washed down from Prospect Canyon and piled up in the Colorado River.

No Services

There are no services of any type in the Toroweap area and all visitors must bring all food, water, and other supplies with them. The portion of the access road within the park is not recommended for low-clearance passenger vehicles.

Toroweap Campground

This primitive campground has 11 sites and is located along the access road just before the viewpoint. Water is not available and campers must bring their own fire wood. Gathering firewood is prohibited.

Lava Falls Trail

Tuckup Trail
