Havasu Falls, Supai
Supai is located in Havasu Canyon, a major side canyon on the south side of the central Grand Canyon. Supai is the only settlement within the Grand Canyon and is the only post office in the United States still served by pack train. Supai is the headquarters of the Havasupai Indian Tribe, and is within the Havasupai Indian Reservation.
People of the Blue-Green Water
The Havasupai established the village at its present site hundreds of years ago, just below Havasu Spring- the source of Havasu Creek. For a couple of miles, the canyon floor is flat, and the creek makes agriculture possible during the summer. Minerals dissolved in the waters of the spring tint the creek a beautiful blue-green, and in fact Havasupai means "people of the blue green water". Flowing down the lush green canyon bottom between red 1,000-foot sandstone walls, Havasu Creek makes Supai not only habitable but spectacular. But the creek isn't done yet. Below the village, the water plunges over three major waterfalls, each arguably more dramatic than the last- Havasu, Mooney, and Beaver falls.
Before the floods of August 2008, there was a fourth fall, Navajo, but it was completely destroyed by a mudslide. After the flood waters receded, Navajo Falls had been bypassed by the creek, and is now dry. As compensation, two new falls were created, which are as yet unnamed. Flooding is a fact of life at Supai. Havasu Canyon (known as Cataract Canyon in its upper reaches) has its headwaters more than 50 miles upstream at Bill Williams Mountain. Although the canyon is normally dry above Havasu Spring, heavy rains anywhere in Havasu Canyon's large watershed have the potential to create a flood once the waters reach the confined lower canyon. Despite the remoteness and inherent hazards of such a remote spot, Supai has long been a popular tourist destination.
Getting to Supai
See Getting There for driving directions to Hualapai Hilltop. From this trailhead, you can get to Supai by backpacking the eight mile Hualapai Trail, hiring a Havasupai horse packer, or by helicopter.
The most popular way to visit Supai is to hike the trail. At a minimum, this is an overnight backpack trip, but three days or more are best for exploring the canyon and falls below Supai village. Reservations are required for entry and camping and can be purchased in advance from the Supai Canyon Information Center- see below. A primitive trail continues below the campground to Mooney Falls and on to the Colorado River, a distance of nine miles.
A campground accommodating up to 250 people is located along Havasu Canyon two miles below Supai village. Drinking water is provided.
Havasupai Lodge in Supai has twenty four rooms. Reservations must be made in advance- see below.
To make reservations for hiking permits, camping, and lodging, see the tribal website: